Comment by 486sx33

Comment by 486sx33 5 days ago

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I don’t think my history is important but I grew up in a home of 5 children (I’m the oldest), single (divorced) mother with far under the poverty line for a single person income.

I don’t know this test is very good, but my score was 7

My situation was not great, but I had many neighbors and friends in school with far worse situations.

I think, and have come to believe that, a difficult upbringing has many benefits in later life .

1. You know right from wrong, you’ve seen wrong 2. Empathy comes easier to you 3. You know exactly what you don’t want your life to look like 4. You value opportunity 5. You aren’t scared of people who have less wealth than you - further, you can figure out, quickly, who is poor but ambitious to improve their life, or poor and doesn’t care about anything. 6. Drugs are pure EVIL

All of my siblings have excellent careers now and excellent family lives, we all have wonderful spouses and there are 17 grandchildren with 1 more on the way!

I had over 1 million in net worth at 35. This continues to improve but doesn’t matter to me anymore, that was my milestone.

I don’t do scams, I don’t rip people off, I don’t do work or take money to help others accomplish dishonest goals. I am comfortable working alone or in groups. In groups took a lot of work.

Please, believe in the power of positive thinking. This was key for me.