Comment by chung8123

Comment by chung8123 5 days ago

2 replies

I think "The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It" is a good book for the mindset and some of the processes around how to build the engine that is your business.

senkora 4 days ago

This book was the subject of an episode of the cortex podcast:

I'm curious if you think think their take on the book was fair? (I realize that that's a lot to ask). Their basic take was that the book had some good ideas but was bizarrely written and much too long.

I haven't felt the need to read it myself since they summarized what they believe to be the valuable parts of the book in the episode.

muzani 3 days ago

It's more suited to traditional businesses. Startups are somewhat different though some principles are universal.