Comment by flpm

Comment by flpm 5 days ago

2 replies

While I am not in the startup world, I feel like "Continuous Discovery Habits" by Teresa Torres would be a great read covering a similar topic. It talks about how to manage the business needs vs customer needs and focusing on outcome vs output. About continuously engaging with customer to validate your assumptions, etc.

In general anything on Human Centered Design could be useful.

cl42 5 days ago

I like this book, but am curious if you've seen any third-party case studies written about using her framework?

I tried to use it a while back but found it a bit bureaucratic for a startup. Felt better-placed for large orgs with distinct product management teams.

  • flpm 5 days ago

    I can see that, I take it mostly as a source of inspiration, I don't think we will apply it literally.

    But going through the process of creating an experience map was so interesting, it helped us realize how little we knew about some parts of the user experience. And the idea of regularly engaging with users is very appealing to shorten the feedback cycle. Sometimes there are little things you could do for cheap that add a lot of value, I am hoping this will help find them more efficiently.