Comment by dieseleweasel

Comment by dieseleweasel 5 days ago

1 reply

ACE score of 6.

I'm in my mid twenties. Got a decent SWE job, net worth around 0$ but I just got rid of most of my debts which is nice.

Extremely anxious all the time and depressed, still traumatized by a lot of stuff, zero social life at the moment, never managed to maintain any long term relationships(both in terms of friends and partners), not great physical health but it's getting better.

I'm not completely unsatisfied with my life, given the circumstances it was much more likely to be a lot worse. But it definitely could be a lot better.

askHN2024 5 days ago

I think you’re doing so, so well. I have reservations about making close relationships too because of my past, so it’s a common pattern amongst people with traumatic experiences. I plan to try out a hobby group but time hasn’t been so flexible.

I’ve seen other people fall into the trap of thinking that their body is a meatbag for their brain. I’ve personally found that exercise helps me so much with both reducing depressive symptoms and maintaining focus.

Hope you find whatever it is which you think will make your life better, take care!