Comment by childintime

Comment by childintime 5 days ago

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I think you have to grow up a bit. There's more to life than the rat race, and if you score high, you should be participating in the direction of life. Not just follow the crumbs laid down by others. Or chose their side.

You're not a rat, and it helps other people if you don't act like one scared little mouse. Especially if you got decent brains. It's hurts them morally when they have to compete with you when they should have an ally.

Yeah, there is so much pressure to just stop living (and follow the crumbs), and there's no way to achieve anything of worth outside of it. No friends for example, supposedly. As we all are trapped, and we do it to ourselves, self apply the Matrix and tragically be the enemy of our loving destiny.

Those who realize they are trapped have traditionally, and wisely, kneeled to Christ, and have typically been rewarded with a new life. Amen. But if you have decent brains you might also compassionately reason a way out, or identify those that have done so, and join their quest.

Stop living your life as if it's just you. It's not. The rat race lies about you. And the collective lies about you. Grow a spine. These are the facts of life. And as Christianity fades they get pushed into our faces. We have to deal with a self serving collective, that makes us into enemies. Especially us in the software realm mindlessly masturbate to our own bank accounts, while we know better, and that political future needs us. Instead we mindlessly empower ever bigger titans. Karma will come round.

Yes this alternative future needs a business model, to take care of the individuals that are currently starved out of resistance, including by you, and out of their potential to be the good they know they can be.

While there is no business, you still have an excuse. But once it exists, in it you'll be working to empower the ones on your side, fully and completely sharing your life. Our beautiful but deficient society demands it is so extreme, for it itself is a tangent.

Therefore the king shall work his way up, and be compassionate. And as he rises the powers that be will see an enemy, and will fight with fud. And all what their profits can buy. But they will also see a prophecy taking aim at them. The angels in high heaven, and their master, which surely do not exist, right?

Do what is right and the future will come to you.