Comment by detourdog

Comment by detourdog 5 days ago

2 replies

I think that is about the same as the USA. Do you think zip codes wouldn’t work. I thought that it was the simplest mechanism. A city is an area and it is easy to tell how close to a zip code one is.

BrandoElFollito 5 days ago

In France the zip code has the format XX-YYY

XX is the départment, one of the two major administrative divisions in France. It is made of communes - "cities".

It can be rather small like 75 - Paris, or of the size of half of Massachusetts (about 11000 km2).

The YYY means that you are in this department but there is no distance relationship between the numbers. And then of course you can have a city in 78 a km away from a city in 92 and 30 km away from one in 78.

It is true that this at last gives a rough estimation of where someone is

  • detourdog 5 days ago

    I will study our zip code I do know that they seem to follow a sequence but I have never seen it broken down.