Comment by mklepaczewski

Comment by mklepaczewski 5 days ago

1 reply

It depends on your startup's stage. If it doesn't exist yet (and based on your submissions, it doesn't), you can start after reading The Mom Test. You might also want to read The Lean Startup.

However, you can read a dozen books and still be stuck in the research phase. Reading alone doesn't create your startup. If you understand The Mom Test and apply its knowledge, you're ready to start.

Be cautious of advice from people who have read hundreds of books on starting a startup - they may not have had the time to actually create one.

Go validate your idea, and (hopefully) start building. Good luck!

Etheryte 5 days ago

Yeah, you can think of running a company like playing sports of some sorts. You can spend all your life reading about it, but if you don't go out and practice vehemently, you're not going to be any good.