Comment by luu

Comment by luu 5 days ago

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Scored a 6 or a 7, depending on the answer to one question that I'm not sure of. I think more likely 7 than 6.

This pretty obviously impacted my happiness when I lived with an abusive parent and I have some physical issues that could possibly be related to starving so much as a kid and some others that fall out of not getting basic dental care, but I don't think it's obvious that my background is a dominant factor in how happy or satisfied I am. I find it plausible that my resilience in certain situations is lower than it otherwise would be due to my background, but it's not clear that it's even lower than average in those situations. And, overall, I was probably happier and more satisfied with my life than most people starting a couple years after moving out on my own until a few years ago.

Maybe the version of me that wasn't abused so much as a kid would've been even happier or maybe that version would still have above average life satisfaction today, but maybe not.