Comment by fortran77

Comment by fortran77 5 days ago

5 replies

I would imagine if they don't put an email (I don't) they don't want to be contacted. If people want to find me badly enough, they do--it's happened several times!

justmarc 5 days ago

This can't possibly always be true.

  • wingworks 5 days ago

    I never had any contact details in my profile, in fact it was empty before today. I would actually love to meet like minded people. Just never thought anyone would want to (or be able to, I live kinda way out from where you'd normally find tech people). + couldn't be bothered to setup a burnable email in case of spam.

    • detourdog 5 days ago

      Sound like we live near each other:)

      • wingworks 5 days ago

        Near as in, in NZ? or like in the bay? Not many tech people stay in the bay, let alone in NZ.

        • detourdog 5 days ago

          Sorry I was joking because your generic description of isolation was relatable. I live in the USA.