Comment by tomcam

Comment by tomcam 5 days ago

12 replies

Beaten, neglected, molested, unsafe, etc. Many family & friends died from drugs, disease, poor life choices. Read books on success & business. Moved out at 16. Taught myself programming and business. Married a hot smart fellow nerd. Got good jobs, bought a business and monetized it. Had fantastic kids. Grateful every day to not be where I woke up. Retired to a farm recently.

malux85 5 days ago

Congrats, I’m very similar to you I’m just at the monetised it phase now, one day I hope to retire to a farm too :)

  • tomcam 5 days ago

    Really more of a hobby farm. Was a dream of mine for 50 years before we bought it. Incredibly beautiful.

    My best to you and yours. It can be done!

    • malux85 5 days ago

      Thank you! Yes I think mine would be a hobby farm too, I want some cute lambs and a goat and somewhere to have some orange trees, that’s about it ^.^

    • justmarc 5 days ago

      Great life story. There's nothing that cannot be achieved if you set your sights on it (and persist).

      • tomcam 4 days ago

        One of my kids calls my childhood a horror story lol. Haven’t told them a lot either.

askHN2024 5 days ago

Sorry you had a rough start, but so glad you made it out. This is so awesome, glad to read it. Good luck to you all!

  • tomcam 3 days ago

    Thank you. Still have nightmares sometimes

JSDevOps 5 days ago


  • tomcam 5 days ago

    You’re kind of correct. I have mentioned these things on HN often enough that I didn’t want to bore people. But I also like letting people know that a normal person can get pretty far using well-known techniques.

  • askHN2024 5 days ago

    Speaking for myself, I can sound “artificial” when I am either overwhelmed or masking.