Comment by EdwardDiego

Comment by EdwardDiego 5 days ago

3 replies

I got 5, was annoyed it only asked about mothers being hit, when it was my mother doing the hitting, learned how to take a punch from her... ...but anyway, turned out alright I think.

I mean, one rather disastrous marriage, but I've got full custody of my amazing kids.

And yeah, I'm the same, don't feel accomplished but reality is I'm doing financially better than most people in my country.

I am currently working on undoing a lifetime of negativity towards myself, left home at 15, never graduated from high school, never got a degree, but have managed to take some computer science papers via correspondence. (Diagnosed with ADHD at 40, but obviously had it as a kid, my mother preferred a pseudo-science approach, which didn't work)

askHN2024 5 days ago

You’ve accomplished something to be proud of. I am in the same place, working on dealing with a lot of negativity towards myself. I hope you find your way out of it too. Best of luck!

[removed] 5 days ago
diob 4 days ago

Yeah, I wouldn't take the score too seriously. Nothing about various types of abuse beyond some random measures. I think it's just a quick heuristic, nothing scientific.