Comment by MrMan

Comment by MrMan 5 days ago

1 reply

I never heard of the ACE score, I just took a quiz and I would score a 6. I am a failure since high school, never went to college and had a period of 12 years of scraping the bottom of the barrel but I got a tech support job through a friend after not touching a computer for 15 years and then retaught myself programming after not doing any since middle school. managed to leverage that into a job at a quant trading firm by luck. I am still a failure but I have used my ability to learn and absorb information to build a stable life. success is always just beyond arms reach but luckily success doesnt matter I am just happy to be alive able to keep learning and making things. and now I have LLMs to help me

13of40 4 days ago

You sound successful relative to where you could have ended up.