Comment by elashri

Comment by elashri 5 days ago

3 replies

The problem will be that once this goes from the front page (on a weekend) then the chances that people will remember the site are low. Nevertheless there will be users who will not see the submission and would be otherwise interested into trying that. I think the voice chat with HN that was submitted last year (was it last year?) showed us that mostly after a day or two you couldn't find any activity.

I don't know how to solve that unless you actually have your idea of having "meet" on HN itself.

robbomacrae 5 days ago

Or turn it into something wider than HN.. a button that can be added to any page on the internet that becomes easier to recall "hey I wonder who else likes or wants to discuss this article on meet.x?

generalizations 5 days ago

Could even add a 'meet' entry to the tagline above each comment, if they use this. Presumably only visible to other people who set this up. Could be a good way to remind people it exists.

zh3 5 days ago

If enough people add the tag to their 'about' page, that could help keep it going.