Comment by chgs

Comment by chgs 6 days ago

3 replies

Every time o put directions to my local market town of Newport in Shropshire, google insists on thinking I want to travel two hours to Wales.

I guess it could be worse and I’d end up in the Isle of Wight.

Reused names isn’t just an American thing.

zh3 5 days ago

Ashford Kent and Ashford Middlesex are common issues in the southeast.

As for Hawkridge in Devon...dark night (not stormy) and it was only when I saw Dulverton road signs I got the sense this wasn't going to plan.

  • chgs 5 days ago

    At least two Whitchurch stations I have used. There then the two Newcastle

    Oh and Shakespeare isn’t from East London

    • drcongo 5 days ago

      My favourite thing about the Newcastles is that one is under and one is on. I was pondering just recently whether there's any other under/upon pairs in the UK.