Comment by psvisualdesign

Comment by psvisualdesign 5 days ago

2 replies

Has anyone tried to run Micropython on the Flipper Zero? I'm using Micropython on my ESPs, but not in the Flipper Zero. With the new Firmware 1.0 you can also use JavaScript. Now the question is: what's easier/better for own plugins/apps? Micropython, Javascript or the native Flipper language?

therealfiona 9 hours ago

Isn't native C/C++?

I'd expect C to run the best due to it being compiled. JS is pretty quick, but we're talking a microcontroller, so any speed you can pickup by reducing computation cycles is a win.

Easiest/better is using what you already know as that'll provide the best speed to MVP. If it's too slow in Python/JS, but it seems like a useful thing, it's probably worth rolling up your sleeves and learning some C. At least enough to build a python library.

  • markb139 8 hours ago

    From my experience on the Raspberry Pi rp2040, adding C code to a micropython build is very straightforward