Comment by atmanactive

Comment by atmanactive 6 days ago

5 replies

Why do you care if the screen shows 5 people in city X (which is not your city anyway)? What use do you have of knowing exact names of people in city X half way acros the globe?

RadiozRadioz 6 days ago

It is interesting to me and others.

There's a person living in Vila do Corvo. I didn't know that was a place. What are they interested in? What do the technical people of Vila do Corvo post about?

(In this case, not much, but it was fun to find out.)

  • atmanactive 6 days ago

    Exactly. A _person_. That's enough information to satisfy curiosity. No need to publish exact names.

    • RadiozRadioz 6 days ago

      If I don't know their username, how can I look at what they post about? I think lots of people on HN are curious and inquisitive by nature

    • j_maffe 6 days ago

      It's interesting to know what that person is up to (from what they publically share online).

codingdave 6 days ago

Travel - it seems that if this app takes off, catching up with people as you travel is a solid use case.