Comment by gtirloni

Comment by gtirloni 6 days ago

2 replies

As I get older, the "old wise dude" myth fades more every day. I rarely meet wise old people, it's quite the opposite actually.

Not saying there aren't any, buy I would avoid conflating old and wise together.

ChrisMarshallNY 5 days ago


However, it seems that most folks conflate "older" (which is getting increasingly younger -I encounter folks in their early forties that can't get interviews), and "useless."

Funny. We're doing pretty well at opening up the industry to folks from many ethnic backgrounds, and women, but the industry actively encourages ageism.

Most of the "reasons" end up falling flat, upon closer inspection.

It just seems that gray hair makes people uncomfortable. I guess it always has, but in the Days of Yore, corporations were usually run by older folks, so we had to work with them (I didn't always have gray hair, myself -spoiler: We all get a turn at this wheel).

  • gtirloni 5 days ago

    Indeed, ageism is a serious issue. And it seems out of touch with an ageing society in most countries.

    I'm not young anymore either and my experience job hunting has been that I get invited to fewer initial interviews, but when I am, the whole process is much much easier for myself than a decade ago. Onboarding is also much faster.