Comment by alok-g

Comment by alok-g 6 days ago

3 replies

Have signed up. It says there's another signup from my location, but is failing to show me. It just redirects to the home page. It is showing for another city, so perhaps due to the space in the name? Thanks. Delhi

sirobg 6 days ago

Should be fixed for New Delhi now: Sorry for this, and thanks for reporting!

  • freedomben 6 days ago

    I'm getting similar, but can see a 404 in the dev tools when trying to view the hacker in Coeur-d'Alene:'Alene

    I can't tell if it's being URL encoded or not, so that's a possibility. I imagine most cities don't have apostrophes in the name so it might be an edge case.

  • alok-g 6 days ago

    No worries. I've updated in my profile too. Thanks.