Comment by Aachen

Comment by Aachen 6 days ago

2 replies

> No data found for this HN user. Waiting a minute to let HN API update.

My account exists since 2020, why would the HN API (which, if you click the link at the bottom of every page, says "near real time") not know my account? I'm curious how this error occurs

For anyone else having this, the "add me" button will enable itself again, but it does take a while. Not that retrying seems to work for me

Edit: nvm I'm being stupid, I did not see the "copy and paste the text below into your HN account" instruction. Thanks also to those who replied with that info, though while playing with the browser dev tools to figure out what the issue might be, I spotted that text eventually

lifty 6 days ago

You have to add the link to your bio. It’s a way for the app to verify that you want to be added to the map

gdcbe 6 days ago

For me it only worked after I added their form text to my hn account description on my actual hn account page…