Ask HN: Best side hustle for WFH guys
12 points by rookie123 4 days ago
Hey there fellow HN people!
I am able to WFH and find 30-40 hours per week as I am able to save on commute and unnecessary mundane tasks. What could be a good side hustle where I won't need to focus as much? I am fully focused on my current job during daytime and do not prefer moonlighting.
Cat boarding.
Got privvy to the idea when we needed to find boarding for our cat when going on a holiday. Scoped out a few businesses and they were costly, so explored private. All the private ones we visited were simply a largish cage with 3 or so levels, all with litter + bowls within cage. Ranges from $30-40 per night (Australia).
I have a spare room. I looked up Cat Cages and purchased 3 for $150 each. Then I considered what could happen (Vets, abandonment, etc.) and consulted with a lawyer to help write up a contract for customers. (~$1000)
The bare minimum work required is about 20 minutes per day for breakfast, dinner, water top up & scooping the litterbox.
The 3 cages all are booked out about 200 days of the year each for about $18,000 yearly.
Yes I have had 2 people abandon their pets. This was difficult to go through.
edit: I should add - There may be some business hours work required if a cat falls ill and vet trips required.